Tuesday, 27 December 2011


Well sorta. I started in earnest today. It's an 18 week schedule I'm following and this is exactly 18 weeks till the big day. Did 3 miles today and I nearly died LOL. Well, not that bad but I swear you'd never have dreamt I ran a Half Marathon in a decent time a couple of months ago. But, it has been Christmas....

Ah, Christmas. A top time had by all round at my Sis and Bro in Laws. My first vegan Crimbo, beautiful food, amazing wine and the best company anyone could wish for. And what great pressies I got this year, including this courtesy of my big sis......

So far, unputdownable. And getting me all aquiver at the prospect of my upcoming adventure next year. She also bought me this....

I am that much of a hardcore soft arse when it comes to animals that I practically started crying when I looked at the front cover. The Emotional World of Farm Animals? It will kill me. But in a good way, I'm sure.

My kind and thoughtful sis also gave me a book about the ethics of veganism. So now I can add more statistics and truths to my armour. Including the fact that according to a prominent USA heart surgeon, your chance of suffering a heart attack is VIRTUALLY ELIMINATED if you follow a vegan lifestyle. Yeah, man.

And I've got Lionel Shriver's new book from my Sis in Law...

Oh dearie. Training? Working? Moderating? Studying for my Masters?

Not looking good! LOL

I intended to take lots of pics of Xmas to put on this here blog but I was having too much of a good time to remember. So, I'm off to Buxton for New Year, perhaps I'll manage it then!


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