Wednesday, 16 November 2011 your Glory or your Grave!

Sooo what exciting thing to blog about today? It's rather amusing that I have given this blog a really deep and meaningful title that implies that you are going to LEARN something through reading my enlightend musings, yet all I want to do is write about beer.

Beer it is then.

Watching Turisas tomorrow at Manc Academy 3. Excited, I LOVE them. What's not to love about Eccentric Finnish Folk Battle Metallers? These guys got me through my half marathon, they make me feel like I'm on a mission to save mankind everytime I go for a run. No, really. I think these things when I'm running. I AM THE MESSENGER!! And the world's biggest Geek!

And if it doesn't make you want go into battle it makes you want to raise your glass, slap your thigh and jump around. And THEN when it kicks in (like at 1:06) maybe there will be a bit of hair action for good measure.

I just love bands with talent who don't take themselves too seriously. SO MUCH FUN!

I'll post some pics after the event I think. Bout time I got my red and black striped mug on here.... Ha, only kidding. We were going to dress up but left it too late. And all that leather and fur, man......not good =)

**Was about to publish this when I noticed on YouTube that 'Hitler rants about Animal Rights' was 'suggested' for me because ' have watched Gary Yourofsky's vegan speech.'

So two and two go together, right???? I'm noticing more and more of the Media associating Hitler, Terrorism and Extremism with A.R.

And it is scaring me A LOT.

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