By pure coincidence my Head of Faculty at work ordered a load of free Animal Rights resources before I even started there. He's not into Animal Rights but had seen they were available and thought they may be useful.
He mentioned it to me and asked if I'd find them any use. FIND THEM ANY USE?? Animal Action DVDs? A captive audience? OH YEAH!
So for the first time today (and after many an extensive and thorough Q and A about my veganism) I began what will be a series of lessons that will culminate in an assembly for the school.
My form were excited. We are watching TV in form! Miss NEVER lets us watch anything! We are going down to Drama! WHOOP! I watched as a flurry of black trousers and the back of scruffy loose shirts flashed past me, to the stairs.
In the Drama Studio there was a cacophony of chatter, laughter and scraping sounds as they clamoured to get the best space, the comfier chair. Smiles, friendly punches, less friendly kicks, cries of "Miss! Miss!"
The provided DVD is highly emotive, factual and very sad without being too graphic, although still very upsetting. I warned my rambunctious, lively form that as unprofessional as it may seem, I may cry whilst watching this short film. I had not watched it yet myself as it clearly stated on the back it was intented for a KS3 audience so I knew it was suitable. I don't feel any desire to watch this distressing footage any more. I don't need to. Most people do.
My kids are used to my up and down emotions at school, we have had a thousand debates on a thousand topics. Many times they have heard the break in my voice when discussing certain subject matter.
So on the DVD went. Laughter as the light switched off, chatter, then whispers, then silence. During particularly disturbing moments I would catch them sneaking sidewards glances at me to check my composure. I remained composed. Just.
When the 13 minutes were up, I turned on the light.
Silence. A sea of sad, pale faces.
Why do we lie to young people? Take them to Petting Corner aged 3 and give them a chick to hold and stroke (grinded alive in a marcerator). Give them a pet rabbit aged 6, fed carrots and given hay to sleep on (strapped, cut open, writhing in pain, free of anesthetic). Take them on a school trip to a farm aged 10, where they smile at the pigs rolling in the mud (subjected to torture, immobilised in stalls). Then there's a visit to the zoo aged 13 on a science trip to marvel at the intelligence of apes (clinging together in terror, unimaginable horror waiting)
To all the sweet young folk on this planet- you have been lied to. This is the world. This is real. And you have the power to help to STOP it. And you need to start NOW. You are the next generation.You are still young enough to care. You've not been fully subjected to the brainwashing that tells you that this ABOMINATION is "Just the way it is."
People point out to me that I am a minority, a radical. They say it like I'm supposed to feel special, to be pleased at this assertion. I am NOT. I want to be the MAJORITY in a world that does not prize tastebuds and convenience over agony, terror and loss of freedom.
And my brilliant and beautiful form are a step towards this.
From body to body your spirit speeds on. It seeks a new form when the old one has gone. And the form that it finds is the fabric you wrought. On the loom of the Mind from the fibre of Thought.
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Mindless Blethering
So I have nothing interesting to say. Well, I probably could muster something vaguely readable but I'm too TIRED, man.
My job is knackering. My (failed) running schedule is knackering. I'm doing a fucking MASTERS for some stupid-ass reason and that also, is knackering. I've been appointed both an examiner and moderator to earn some extra cash for Borneo. That will be ridiculously knackering. MOAN MOAN MOAN
I seriously can not be arsed to do ANYTHING at the moment. Apart from lie like a big, furry (dressing gown) slovenly blob. I am currently the Master of the blob stance.
See! My brain is knackered! I am talking ridiculous amounts of shite! GAH
It's not that life's bad -it's not. It's just the days are short, jam packed. I'm sucked from my bed in the dark, inhaled by my school and then...WACHOO sneezed out, landing back home in the dark with a thump, enveloped in a shroud of mucus. Well, I'm not really enveloped in mucus. I just couldn't think of anything else that goes with this sneezing analogy.
LOL I think I need to go to bed. This blog post is:
a) Pointless
b) Nonsensical
c) Plain Stoopid
My job is knackering. My (failed) running schedule is knackering. I'm doing a fucking MASTERS for some stupid-ass reason and that also, is knackering. I've been appointed both an examiner and moderator to earn some extra cash for Borneo. That will be ridiculously knackering. MOAN MOAN MOAN
I seriously can not be arsed to do ANYTHING at the moment. Apart from lie like a big, furry (dressing gown) slovenly blob. I am currently the Master of the blob stance.
See! My brain is knackered! I am talking ridiculous amounts of shite! GAH
It's not that life's bad -it's not. It's just the days are short, jam packed. I'm sucked from my bed in the dark, inhaled by my school and then...WACHOO sneezed out, landing back home in the dark with a thump, enveloped in a shroud of mucus. Well, I'm not really enveloped in mucus. I just couldn't think of anything else that goes with this sneezing analogy.
LOL I think I need to go to bed. This blog post is:
a) Pointless
b) Nonsensical
c) Plain Stoopid
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
I AM the Messenger!
I've just entered for a MARATHON. Me. A marathon.
So-called because Pheidippedes- a Greek Messenger- ran from the Battle of Marathon to Athens......One HELL of a coincedence related to the Turisas post below -ha!
How have I become a person that loves to run? I used to be the one to mock those who said they did, writing them off as possessing bravado or being plain liars. You love to run? RUNNING IS PAIN!!!
But no, it's not. It's completely empowering. There is no feeling on earth like gliding along, feeling completely strong and aware of your body, hitting mile after mile and not feeling tired. Being in control and powerful.
But...the Half was hard. Very hard. And this........26.2 miles. Pain is most definitely a reality. So then, MIND OVER MATTER!
So the Vegan T will be getting an airing. 29th April looms. Best get training. Erm, I'll start on Saturday. Got too many booze-ups planned.............................
So-called because Pheidippedes- a Greek Messenger- ran from the Battle of Marathon to Athens......One HELL of a coincedence related to the Turisas post below -ha!
How have I become a person that loves to run? I used to be the one to mock those who said they did, writing them off as possessing bravado or being plain liars. You love to run? RUNNING IS PAIN!!!
But no, it's not. It's completely empowering. There is no feeling on earth like gliding along, feeling completely strong and aware of your body, hitting mile after mile and not feeling tired. Being in control and powerful.
But...the Half was hard. Very hard. And this........26.2 miles. Pain is most definitely a reality. So then, MIND OVER MATTER!
So the Vegan T will be getting an airing. 29th April looms. Best get training. Erm, I'll start on Saturday. Got too many booze-ups planned............................. your Glory or your Grave!
Sooo what exciting thing to blog about today? It's rather amusing that I have given this blog a really deep and meaningful title that implies that you are going to LEARN something through reading my enlightend musings, yet all I want to do is write about beer.
Beer it is then.
Watching Turisas tomorrow at Manc Academy 3. Excited, I LOVE them. What's not to love about Eccentric Finnish Folk Battle Metallers? These guys got me through my half marathon, they make me feel like I'm on a mission to save mankind everytime I go for a run. No, really. I think these things when I'm running. I AM THE MESSENGER!! And the world's biggest Geek!
And if it doesn't make you want go into battle it makes you want to raise your glass, slap your thigh and jump around. And THEN when it kicks in (like at 1:06) maybe there will be a bit of hair action for good measure.
I just love bands with talent who don't take themselves too seriously. SO MUCH FUN!
I'll post some pics after the event I think. Bout time I got my red and black striped mug on here.... Ha, only kidding. We were going to dress up but left it too late. And all that leather and fur, man......not good =)
**Was about to publish this when I noticed on YouTube that 'Hitler rants about Animal Rights' was 'suggested' for me because ' have watched Gary Yourofsky's vegan speech.'
So two and two go together, right???? I'm noticing more and more of the Media associating Hitler, Terrorism and Extremism with A.R.
And it is scaring me A LOT.
Beer it is then.
Watching Turisas tomorrow at Manc Academy 3. Excited, I LOVE them. What's not to love about Eccentric Finnish Folk Battle Metallers? These guys got me through my half marathon, they make me feel like I'm on a mission to save mankind everytime I go for a run. No, really. I think these things when I'm running. I AM THE MESSENGER!! And the world's biggest Geek!
And if it doesn't make you want go into battle it makes you want to raise your glass, slap your thigh and jump around. And THEN when it kicks in (like at 1:06) maybe there will be a bit of hair action for good measure.
I just love bands with talent who don't take themselves too seriously. SO MUCH FUN!
I'll post some pics after the event I think. Bout time I got my red and black striped mug on here.... Ha, only kidding. We were going to dress up but left it too late. And all that leather and fur, man......not good =)
**Was about to publish this when I noticed on YouTube that 'Hitler rants about Animal Rights' was 'suggested' for me because ' have watched Gary Yourofsky's vegan speech.'
So two and two go together, right???? I'm noticing more and more of the Media associating Hitler, Terrorism and Extremism with A.R.
And it is scaring me A LOT.
Monday, 14 November 2011
Professional on the Razzle
So.....remember me waffling on about being a young professional, excited blah blah?
Well, is it professional to drink a bottle of red wine on the way to London on the train, get propositioned by a man who doesn't know the difference between "That dark stuff you are drinking and the clear stuff that guy has over there", then sits with you and tells you he is a wagon driver who has never been on a train and is off to Hemel Hemstead to meet his internet woman, drink more wine at the hotel, get briefly stuck in the lift then quaff copious Aspell's Suffolk Cider at the pub opposite, meet some randomers and end up dancing the night away till x o'clock, wake up half dead, go to meeting a red eyed zombie, endure the day, head back to Manc on the train, forget to press 'lock' on the toilet door and watch it slide open in slow motion to reveal people waiting goggle-eyed outside, get chatted up by an incredibly drunk Boltonian who keep falling into other unfortunate and extremely polite Southerners as the train tilts, meet friends in Manc and then back to mine till y o'clock, collapse in bed, get up and go to the praccy room to rock the night away, do a clumsy double kick on the kit and wail into a mic, go to the pub, challenge old men to pool, chinese buffet and stagger home for work on Monday morning?
If so then seriously guys, I'm loving this professional lark!
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Frolics and Frivolity
I've got so much to stick on here regarding my daft weekend. Not got time now, off to garner some more material in town tonight. What will the evening bring?
Thursday, 10 November 2011
The Kids are Alright
I'm off to London for a meeting tomorrow. Hark at me!
I'm pathetic really, I get all excited and feel all professional-like doing stuff like this. I'm 35 years old yet always feel like the youngest one in the room when surrounded by 20-odd year olds. I'm a post-graduate yet often feel a complete fraud/thicko when sat in a board room with folk my own age. What's it all about?
But hey, if they want to pay me to stay in a hotel in London all expenses paid, obviously I'm doing something right! =)
I often think about the nature of my job and how it challenges my belief system. I'm a teacher. I am brainwashing, indoctrinating and 'dumbing down' kids, I'm a brick in the wall, creating slaves for the system.
Yet, am I?
I'm a Drama teacher. I make my own curriculum. I teach approximately 300 kids and I care deeply about them all. I nurture confidence, creativity. I make my lessons experiential to encourage empathy and compassion. We have incredible debates and the young people continually astound me with their depth of thought and broad minded ideas. We put on superb performances- a lot of it devised by the pupils themselves, many very weak academically- and they and their parents glow with pride at their achievements. I taught Media Studies for a year and my pupils learned how to recognise how the media manipulates your emotions and influences behaviour.
I love kids and I love my job. I'm lucky. I get to dig deep with our future generation and it doesn't fill me with dread, it gives me hope.
Don't believe the papers, or the idiot box. The kids are doing just fine.
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
V is for Victory, Vivisection and Valour!
So the boathouse is staying open. We won the fight without even staging the protest. Well that was easy!
Makes you think doesn't it?
How many times have we moaned and griped about things that are going on, in our communities or around the world, yet sat back and waited for others to do something about it?
It's a bit like when people say, "Well I'd vote for *insert party name* but they aren't going to win so I'm going to vote for *insert alternative party name* STOOPID, MAN!
We saw that the boathouse was closing, organised a protest and, with the help of other like-minded individuals, prevented it from happening.
I have stopped consuming animal products, have boycotted all brands that test on animals and, with the help of other like-minded individuals, will banish cruelty from this planet completely,
You know why?
Makes you think doesn't it?
How many times have we moaned and griped about things that are going on, in our communities or around the world, yet sat back and waited for others to do something about it?
It's a bit like when people say, "Well I'd vote for *insert party name* but they aren't going to win so I'm going to vote for *insert alternative party name* STOOPID, MAN!
We saw that the boathouse was closing, organised a protest and, with the help of other like-minded individuals, prevented it from happening.
I have stopped consuming animal products, have boycotted all brands that test on animals and, with the help of other like-minded individuals, will banish cruelty from this planet completely,
You know why?
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Thinking, Schminking
So you might have gathered. I think a lot. About everything. I worry about animals (er...obviously), the state of the world, the future of mankind, Government control of food, WILL ROBOTS TAKE OVER...........???
And then, on top of this, there's the minutiae that days are made of. Where's my keys? Why is there NOTHING here I can eat? I wonder what time Pete's home? I cannot believe Jamie has eaten all the peanut butter................
But as soon as there's a moment when I can just stop and let my mind drift, it always drifts back to the same place -a place that is full of questions, void of answers and can be dark and anxiety-inducing.
Why did humans turn the way they did? Is it the white man? Were we always this way? Why don't people care about animals suffering? Is the Truth Movement a conspiracy within a conspiracy? Are we less cruel than we were in Medieval times? Is everything taught in school a lie? Do I really believe in an after life? Will they bring back National Service? Capital Punishment? WHAT IS THE MEEEAAANIINGGG OF LIFFEEEE?????
So yeah. Thinking.
Looking around at the folk around me, I see many attempts to prevent thought. Thinking is associated with boredom -having nothing else to do. Commuters with their noses in their smartphones, ears plugged, veiled by this morning's Metro. (Now there's a sight -100 commuters all reading the same paper. Spooky).
I started to do the same. Got myself a fancy new phone, swish, sleek and easy to browse the web with. Or log onto Facebook with. I started to log in on my way to work. During my dinner hour. FB was in my life even away from my PC at home.
I'm not the kind of person who can ration stuff like this. I hold my hands up, I'm a total internet nerd. I had fun. Laughed my arse off at pics of crazy nights out. I met interesting, enlightened people with real stuff to say. But listening to the thoughts of others day in day out is no substitute for forming thoughts of your own.
And the thoughts of others the majority of the time on FB?
"OMG Frankie!!" (Who the fuck is Frankie anyway?) "Hmm, what for tea tonight?" or "Hurrah, got a new iphone."
Let's go back to my new favourite poem, the most bewitching, enchanting part of all.
The form that it finds is the fabric you wrought
On the loom of the Mind from the fibre of Thought.
My mind, my thoughts.
All killer, no filler! =)
And then, on top of this, there's the minutiae that days are made of. Where's my keys? Why is there NOTHING here I can eat? I wonder what time Pete's home? I cannot believe Jamie has eaten all the peanut butter................
But as soon as there's a moment when I can just stop and let my mind drift, it always drifts back to the same place -a place that is full of questions, void of answers and can be dark and anxiety-inducing.
Why did humans turn the way they did? Is it the white man? Were we always this way? Why don't people care about animals suffering? Is the Truth Movement a conspiracy within a conspiracy? Are we less cruel than we were in Medieval times? Is everything taught in school a lie? Do I really believe in an after life? Will they bring back National Service? Capital Punishment? WHAT IS THE MEEEAAANIINGGG OF LIFFEEEE?????
So yeah. Thinking.
Looking around at the folk around me, I see many attempts to prevent thought. Thinking is associated with boredom -having nothing else to do. Commuters with their noses in their smartphones, ears plugged, veiled by this morning's Metro. (Now there's a sight -100 commuters all reading the same paper. Spooky).
I started to do the same. Got myself a fancy new phone, swish, sleek and easy to browse the web with. Or log onto Facebook with. I started to log in on my way to work. During my dinner hour. FB was in my life even away from my PC at home.
I'm not the kind of person who can ration stuff like this. I hold my hands up, I'm a total internet nerd. I had fun. Laughed my arse off at pics of crazy nights out. I met interesting, enlightened people with real stuff to say. But listening to the thoughts of others day in day out is no substitute for forming thoughts of your own.
And the thoughts of others the majority of the time on FB?
"OMG Frankie!!" (Who the fuck is Frankie anyway?) "Hmm, what for tea tonight?" or "Hurrah, got a new iphone."
Let's go back to my new favourite poem, the most bewitching, enchanting part of all.
The form that it finds is the fabric you wrought
On the loom of the Mind from the fibre of Thought.
My mind, my thoughts.
All killer, no filler! =)
Monday, 7 November 2011
Funeral of a Friend
It's like I've died. Why does everyone like you more when you're dead?
My Life and My Law
I've started up this blog for a variety of reasons.
Reason 1 - to have a forum on which to rant and reflect which is NOT Facebook. Facebook is frying my brain. It is making me boring, narcissistic and predictable. It is sucking away my time and my creativity. It is turning me into a conformist drone. Tonight, I delete. I've been talked out of it many times by well meaning folk who like my posts. Well, well-meaning folk - now you can read this. And comment!
Reason 2 - to have somewhere to share. My ideas, my ideals, my experiences. And if you're not interested, you're not getting it forced on you like in FB land. I can post as much as I like and as often as I like on my vegan politics and no-one can demonise or criticise. Hurray!
Reason 3 - to have an online diary. I know that sounds a bit 'Angela Chase' but I have got a few things coming up that I want to keep a record of. My summer volunteering trip to Borneo for example. I can post pics, thoughts, experiences and my friends and family can see my progress and I can view it all when I come home. That is, if I can get my hands on a computer in the jungle =)
And that's about it.
So what's the title all about? I hear you ask. It is borrowed from this, my new favourite poem that I was recently introduced to (thanks Dan).
My Law - Tieme Ranapiri
The sun may be clouded, yet ever the sun
Will sweep on its course till the Cycle is run.
And when into chaos the system is hurled
... again shall the Builder reshape a new world.
Your path may be clouded, uncertain your goal:
Move on - for your orbit is fixed to your soul.
And though it may lead into darkness of night
The torch of the Builder shall give it new light.
You were. You will be! Know this while you are:
Your spirit has traveled both long and afar.
It came from the Source, to the Source it returns
The Spark which was lighted eternally burns.
It slept in a jewel. It lept in a wave.
It roamed in the forest. It rose from the grave.
It took on strange garbs for long eons of years
and now in the soul of yourself it appears.
From body to body your spirit speeds on
It seeks a new form when the old one has gone
and the form that it finds is the fabric you wrought
On the loom of the Mind from the fibre of Thought.
As dew is drawn upwards, in rain to descend
Your thoughts drift away and in Destiny blend.
You cannot escape them, for petty or great,
Or evil or noble, they fashion your Fate.
Somewhere on some planet, sometime and somehow
Your life will reflect your thoughts of your Now.
My law is unerring, no blood can atone
The structure you build you will live in alone.
From cycle to cycle, through time and through space
Your lives with your longings will ever keep pace
And all that you ask for, and all you desire
Must come at your bidding, as flame out of fire.
Once list' to that Voice and all tumult is done
Your life is the Life of the Infinite One.
In the hurrying race you are conscious of pause
With love for the purpose, and love for the Cause.
You are your own Devil, you are your own God
You fashioned the paths your footsteps have trod.
And no one can save you from Error or Sin
Until you have hark'd to the Spirit within.
attributed to a Maori
Reason 1 - to have a forum on which to rant and reflect which is NOT Facebook. Facebook is frying my brain. It is making me boring, narcissistic and predictable. It is sucking away my time and my creativity. It is turning me into a conformist drone. Tonight, I delete. I've been talked out of it many times by well meaning folk who like my posts. Well, well-meaning folk - now you can read this. And comment!
Reason 2 - to have somewhere to share. My ideas, my ideals, my experiences. And if you're not interested, you're not getting it forced on you like in FB land. I can post as much as I like and as often as I like on my vegan politics and no-one can demonise or criticise. Hurray!
Reason 3 - to have an online diary. I know that sounds a bit 'Angela Chase' but I have got a few things coming up that I want to keep a record of. My summer volunteering trip to Borneo for example. I can post pics, thoughts, experiences and my friends and family can see my progress and I can view it all when I come home. That is, if I can get my hands on a computer in the jungle =)
And that's about it.
So what's the title all about? I hear you ask. It is borrowed from this, my new favourite poem that I was recently introduced to (thanks Dan).
My Law - Tieme Ranapiri
The sun may be clouded, yet ever the sun
Will sweep on its course till the Cycle is run.
And when into chaos the system is hurled
... again shall the Builder reshape a new world.
Your path may be clouded, uncertain your goal:
Move on - for your orbit is fixed to your soul.
And though it may lead into darkness of night
The torch of the Builder shall give it new light.
You were. You will be! Know this while you are:
Your spirit has traveled both long and afar.
It came from the Source, to the Source it returns
The Spark which was lighted eternally burns.
It slept in a jewel. It lept in a wave.
It roamed in the forest. It rose from the grave.
It took on strange garbs for long eons of years
and now in the soul of yourself it appears.
From body to body your spirit speeds on
It seeks a new form when the old one has gone
and the form that it finds is the fabric you wrought
On the loom of the Mind from the fibre of Thought.
As dew is drawn upwards, in rain to descend
Your thoughts drift away and in Destiny blend.
You cannot escape them, for petty or great,
Or evil or noble, they fashion your Fate.
Somewhere on some planet, sometime and somehow
Your life will reflect your thoughts of your Now.
My law is unerring, no blood can atone
The structure you build you will live in alone.
From cycle to cycle, through time and through space
Your lives with your longings will ever keep pace
And all that you ask for, and all you desire
Must come at your bidding, as flame out of fire.
Once list' to that Voice and all tumult is done
Your life is the Life of the Infinite One.
In the hurrying race you are conscious of pause
With love for the purpose, and love for the Cause.
You are your own Devil, you are your own God
You fashioned the paths your footsteps have trod.
And no one can save you from Error or Sin
Until you have hark'd to the Spirit within.
attributed to a Maori
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